kitap alıntısı #72, The Babysitter - Jessica Gadziala

It was only on the second day that my mother's voice whispered in my head, an old memory. Back from high school when I rolled the dice on a guy who promised a future, took my virginity, and then moved onto the next girl within a week. She'd found me sobbing in my bed for the third night in a row, coming in, sitting down, and placing her hand on my hip. "Some men will be worth two nights of your tears, Meads," she informed me with a knowledgeable nod. "But not a single one in this whole wide world is worth three nights of them. So you are going to get up. We are going to order pizza. And watch a movie. And move on, okay?" She'd been right. That boy had not been worth three nights of tears. Neither had a single one after that. - Jessica Gadziala, The Babysitter (Professionals #5)